Middlesex Schools Championships - 10/06/2023
All results are to 100th of a second
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
46-0.6 m/sEvent 46 Heat 180mHurdlesU17Girls17:40:24Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12626 - Richmond411.76
21616 - Harrow512.25
32828 - Ealing Independent313.05
433 - Barnet715.61
53030 - Ealing Independent816.07
62222 - Hounslow1DNS
71313 - Haringey2DNS
877 - Ealing6DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
45+0.8 m/sEvent 45 Heat 175mHurdlesU15Girls17:33:03Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet411.98
22828 - Ealing Independent512.39
312525A - Richmond713.03
41616 - Harrow313.41
51010 - Enfield213.47
62727 - Richmond113.48
733 - Barnet614
82222 - Hounslow8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
44+0.1 m/sEvent 44 Heat 1100mU17Boys17:20:55Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11919 - Hillingdon411
22121 - Hillingdon511.08
311 - Barnet311.29
422 - Barnet611.44
544 - Brent111.48
633 - Barnet711.52
72525 - Richmond811.54
82626 - Richmond211.58
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
43+3.5 m/sEvent 43 Heat 1100mU17Girls17:16:52Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet412.26
22121 - Hillingdon512.44
377 - Ealing612.72
433 - Barnet312.85
51919 - Hillingdon712.98
688 - Ealing213.29
72020 - Hillingdon113.41
822 - Barnet813.43
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
42+1.4 m/sEvent 42 Heat 1100mU15Boys17:12:58Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11616 - Harrow411.52
21919 - Hillingdon511.54
32929 - Ealing Independent311.67
444 - Brent712.14
52222 - Hounslow612.22
612222A - Hounslow112.46
72525 - Richmond812.49
877 - Ealing212.57
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
41-0.6 m/sEvent 41 Heat 1100mU15Girls17:10:23Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet412.43
21818 - Harrow512.61
344 - Brent313.16
42222 - Hounslow713.24
52828 - Ealing Independent113.55
61414 - Haringey213.58
72727 - Richmond813.63
81919 - Hillingdon6DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
40+1.0 m/sEvent 40 Heat 1200mU17Boys17:01:23Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
122 - Barnet322.82
211 - Barnet623.12
311313A - Haringey423.21
41515 - Haringey523.26
533 - Barnet723.59
62525 - Richmond223.64
72020 - Hillingdon824.38
82626 - Richmond1DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
39+0.4 m/sEvent 39 Heat 1200mU17Girls16:57:06Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111313A - Haringey325.11
277 - Ealing425.39
311 - Barnet526.29
42828 - Ealing Independent227.61
52222 - Hounslow128.36
61515 - Haringey728.74
71616 - Harrow830.43
83030 - Ealing Independent6DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
38-0.1 m/sEvent 38 Heat 1200mU15Boys16:53:50Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11313 - Haringey323.09
21616 - Harrow423.57
33131 - Additional623.84
444 - Brent223.84
511 - Barnet524.01
61414 - Haringey724.25
722 - Barnet124.64
888 - Ealing825.1
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
37+1.3 m/sEvent 37 Heat 1200mU15Girls16:49:52Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11919 - Hillingdon526.31
211919A - Hillingdon426.57
31313 - Haringey627.14
42121 - Hillingdon327.26
544 - Brent227.75
62929 - Ealing Independent128.34
71414 - Haringey829.15
82525 - Richmond7DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
36-Event 36 Heat 1800mU17Boys16:40:15Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12525 - Richmond82:05.75
21313 - Haringey302:06:16
31414 - Haringey22:06.65
444 - Brent52:07.83
52222 - Hounslow4DNF
61717 - Harrow6DNS
788 - Ealing7DNS
81515 - Haringey1DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
34-Event 34 Heat 1800mU15Boys16:34:24Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11616 - Harrow32:06.61
211 - Barnet42:12.97
322 - Barnet22:14.95
41313 - Haringey102:20:03
52222 - Hounslow602:20:38
62323 - Hounslow702:25:42
733 - Barnet802:26:15
81515 - Haringey502:37:39
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
33-Event 33 Heat 1800mU15Girls16:28:24Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11010 - Enfield302:18:53
21313 - Haringey402:39:59
32828 - Ealing Independent802:40:48
444 - Brent702:44:08
52727 - Richmond62:45.80
61616 - Harrow1DNS
71011A - Barnet2DNS
81515 - Haringey5DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
32-Event 32 Heat 1400mU17Boys16:23:03Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11010 - Enfield351.63
21919 - Hillingdon454.33
32323 - Hounslow554.87
422 - Barnet254.92
52525 - Richmond756.64
61414 - Haringey158.27
72626 - Richmond6DNS
811313A - Haringey8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
30-Event 30 Heat 1300mU15Boys16:13:16Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12525 - Richmond438.6
211 - Barnet339.64
31717 - Harrow240.19
41616 - Harrow641.18
51515 - Haringey541.39
61818 - Harrow742.19
71414 - Haringey1DNS
82424 - Hounslow8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
29-Event 29 Heat 1300mU15Girls16:09:29Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet442.5
21111 - Enfield243.63
32222 - Hounslow144.81
41919 - Hillingdon545.35
51313 - Haringey645.47
644 - Brent746.62
72525 - Richmond847.81
81616 - Harrow3DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
28+0.1 m/sEvent 28 Heat 13000mU17Boys&Girls15:52:49Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
169Cameron Elliott809:32:40
22626 - Richmond309:36:29
31717 - Harrow511:04.73
41616 - Harrow211:39.95
511616A - Harrow711:48.12
61818 - Harrow4DNS
72525 - Richmond6DNS
81016Sian Wright1DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
49+0.5 m/sEvent 49 Heat 1110mHurdlesU20Men15:45:58Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
179Sol Inglis116.00
270Joel Balogun217.00
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
27-Event 27 Heat 11500mU17Boys15:30:50Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
178Tom Emery1804:13:14
21313 - Haringey104:16:04
31616 - Harrow54:17.94
42222 - Hounslow1004:19:16
52525 - Richmond114:33.71
61011A - Barnet124:34.63
71414 - Haringey1404:36:24
884Noah Clarke194:36.83
91717 - Harrow44:38.63
101818 - Harrow24:40.66
111515 - Haringey74:45.83
1285Callum Sydenham2004:48:52
132020 - Hillingdon155:07.71
1433 - Barnet905:13:17
1511313A - Haringey1305:14:16
1611 - Barnet3DNS
171919 - Hillingdon6DNS
182323 - Hounslow8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
26-Event 26 Heat 11500mU17Girls15:23:02Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12727 - Richmond1504:45:51
21313 - Haringey704:48:07
311 - Barnet304:56:33
41414 - Haringey1005:01:09
511313A - Haringey105:23:46
61515 - Haringey505:28:01
71010 - Enfield1405:29:35
82020 - Hillingdon85:33.70
92828 - Ealing Independent65:44.68
101616 - Harrow1605:55:08
112929 - Ealing Independent405:55:50
122222 - Hounslow2DNS
131919 - Hillingdon11DNS
1466 - Brent12DNS
1544 - Brent13DNS
1655 - Brent9DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
25-Event 25 Heat 11500mU15Boys15:15:37Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet14:23.82
22626 - Richmond204:24:42
31616 - Harrow304:25:46
42020 - Hillingdon44:31.68
51717 - Harrow504:40:47
612525A - Richmond64:41.88
712222A - Hounslow704:43:09
81515 - Haringey804:43:57
944 - Brent904:46:34
101011A - Barnet1004:51:50
111919 - Hillingdon1105:01:02
1211616A - Harrow12NR
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
24-Event 24 Heat 11500mU15Girls15:06:38Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet1804:53:39
22020 - Hillingdon14:56.80
377 - Ealing154:57.78
41313 - Haringey34:57.98
522 - Barnet1205:06:23
61919 - Hillingdon605:31:25
733 - Barnet205:39:58
82222 - Hounslow1605:45:36
92121 - Hillingdon1405:46:33
101414 - Haringey505:46:50
1111313A - Haringey95:46.88
121616 - Harrow805:48:07
131717 - Harrow1705:48:51
142828 - Ealing Independent135:57.87
152323 - Hounslow4DNS
1655 - Brent7DNS
171515 - Haringey10DNS
1844 - Brent11DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
23+2.0 m/sEvent 23 Heat 1100mHurdlesU17Boys14:55:00Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11414 - Haringey214.59
21616 - Harrow615.14
311 - Barnet415.28
42626 - Richmond716.54
52323 - Hounslow317.36
62222 - Hounslow117.84
71919 - Hillingdon519.42
81313 - Haringey8DIS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
22+1.3 m/sEvent 22 Heat 180mHurdlesU15Boys14:44:07Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12626 - Richmond112.3
21313 - Haringey212.69
31616 - Harrow712.8
42727 - Richmond413.09
511313A - Haringey613.36
62222 - Hounslow513.42
72525 - Richmond813.52
82323 - Hounslow314.73
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
21+2.3 m/sEvent 21 Heat 280mHurdlesU17Girls14:37:40Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12626 - Richmond311.66
21616 - Harrow411.99
32828 - Ealing Independent512.75
42222 - Hounslow616.39
52525 - Richmond2DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
21+1.7 m/sEvent 21 Heat 180mHurdlesU17Girls14:33:53Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
177 - Ealing512.42
233 - Barnet613.95
31313 - Haringey214.81
43030 - Ealing Independent416.07
51919 - Hillingdon316.99
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
20+3.6 m/sEvent 20 Heat 275mHurdlesU15Girls14:27:49Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet211.94
22727 - Richmond413.83
333 - Barnet514.81
42323 - Hounslow316.88
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
20+0.0 m/sEvent 20 Heat 175mHurdlesU15Girls14:24:19Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12828 - Ealing Independent512.79
21616 - Harrow213.3
312525A - Richmond313.42
41010 - Enfield413.68
52222 - Hounslow615.7
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
19+2.4 m/sEvent 19 Heat 1100mU20Men13:51:16Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
188Dante Pollard410.63
281Rajay Robinson310.87
472Munachi Nnatuanya211
561Cameron Hughes111.38
683Dan Robb611.52
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
18-0.7 m/sEvent 18 Heat 2100mU17Boys13:43:29Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12121 - Hillingdon811.5
233 - Barnet111.7
32525 - Richmond411.89
42020 - Hillingdon311.94
52727 - Richmond712.05
677 - Ealing212.32
71011A - Barnet512.34
888 - Ealing612.58
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
18+0.2 m/sEvent 18 Heat 1100mU17Boys13:40:40Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11919 - Hillingdon611.18
211 - Barnet111.34
32626 - Richmond311.61
422 - Barnet711.62
544 - Brent411.69
61414 - Haringey511.9
72323 - Hounslow212.15
855 - Brent812.37
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
17-0.5 m/sEvent 17 Heat 3100mU17Girls13:22:48Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12121 - Hillingdon212.86
22020 - Hillingdon513.36
31313 - Haringey613.75
444 - Brent413.95
512828A - Ealing Independent314.03
62222 - Hounslow714.18
789Kyra Nelson815.73
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
17-0.1 m/sEvent 17 Heat 2100mU17Girls13:20:43Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
133 - Barnet312.88
21919 - Hillingdon613.08
388 - Ealing213.36
51818 - Harrow414.4
61515 - Haringey514.63
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
17+0.6 m/sEvent 17 Heat 1100mU17Girls13:18:46Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet412.45
377 - Ealing512.91
422 - Barnet613.57
52828 - Ealing Independent213.62
61414 - Haringey313.94
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
16+1.5 m/sEvent 16 Heat 3100mU15Boys13:05:04Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12929 - Ealing Independent611.84
212222A - Hounslow512.31
32525 - Richmond412.31
42020 - Hillingdon312.65
51111 - Enfield212.82
633 - Barnet712.91
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
16+1.0 m/sEvent 16 Heat 2100mU15Boys13:01:05Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11616 - Harrow411.4
244 - Brent312.1
32222 - Hounslow112.19
41313 - Haringey212.67
52121 - Hillingdon712.71
62424 - Hounslow512.93
71044A - Brent6DNS
833 - Barnet8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
16+1.3 m/sEvent 16 Heat 1100mU15Boys12:56:53Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11919 - Hillingdon211.45
277 - Ealing612.21
31515 - Haringey512.47
411919A - Hillingdon412.56
52626 - Richmond112.85
62323 - Hounslow3DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
15+2.6 m/sEvent 15 Heat 3100mU15Girls12:53:25Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11818 - Harrow112.58
244 - Brent212.86
31919 - Hillingdon512.92
42727 - Richmond313.61
588 - Ealing613.82
61111 - Enfield415.09
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
15+1.5 m/sEvent 15 Heat 2100mU15Girls12:49:08Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12828 - Ealing Independent713.46
21414 - Haringey313.5
31616 - Harrow513.79
42020 - Hillingdon413.91
52525 - Richmond614.16
61010 - Enfield114.85
72929 - Ealing Independent215.34
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
15-0.6 m/sEvent 15 Heat 1100mU15Girls12:46:31Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet112.43
22222 - Hounslow713.09
377 - Ealing313.64
42626 - Richmond513.65
566 - Brent213.66
61313 - Haringey813.69
72323 - Hounslow613.8
81515 - Haringey413.85
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
48-Event 48 Heat 1400mU20MIXED12:36:47Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
179Sol Inglis150.72
275Charlie Richardson252.47
376Charlotte Harris356.89
465Lola McCann Ezekiel401:01:51
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
14-Event 14 Heat 2400mU17Boys12:29:04Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11010 - Enfield452.22
21919 - Hillingdon253.59
31414 - Haringey555.96
42525 - Richmond356.06
51515 - Haringey601:04:55
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
14-Event 14 Heat 1400mU17Boys12:25:30Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
122 - Barnet554.19
22323 - Hounslow654.7
32626 - Richmond455.38
411313A - Haringey257.85
52020 - Hillingdon359.44
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
13-Event 13 Heat 1300mU17Girls12:10:06Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet142.1
222 - Barnet542.38
32222 - Hounslow243.85
433 - Barnet344.96
51313 - Haringey445.35
62828 - Ealing Independent645.51
72121 - Hillingdon745.99
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
12-Event 12 Heat 2300mU15Boys12:00:18Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet638.88
22525 - Richmond338.9
31616 - Harrow540.34
41414 - Haringey741.53
51818 - Harrow843.12
611616A - Harrow443.22
71313 - Haringey243.38
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
12-Event 12 Heat 1300mU15Boys11:55:54Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11515 - Haringey440.91
21717 - Harrow541.01
31818 - Harrow641.37
42424 - Hounslow241.76
51919 - Hillingdon349.8
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
11-Event 11 Heat 2300mU15Girls11:48:50Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11616 - Harrow541.67
22222 - Hounslow344.25
344 - Brent445.16
41919 - Hillingdon645.16
52626 - Richmond746.34
62929 - Ealing Independent248.11
71515 - Haringey848.64
81010 - Enfield101:01:06
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
11-Event 11 Heat 1300mU15Girls11:45:14Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet842.11
21111 - Enfield544.61
31313 - Haringey645.14
42525 - Richmond345.78
566 - Brent747.54
62323 - Hounslow248.72
73030 - Ealing Independent450.73
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
10+1.3 m/sEvent 10 Heat 2200mU17Boys11:31:00Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
122 - Barnet822.9
211313A - Haringey422.91
31515 - Haringey523.18
411 - Barnet623.23
51919 - Hillingdon724.19
644 - Brent224.39
72222 - Hounslow324.56
81414 - Haringey125.12
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
10+0.8 m/sEvent 10 Heat 1200mU17Boys11:28:53Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
133 - Barnet423.36
22525 - Richmond223.6
32626 - Richmond723.69
42020 - Hillingdon324.12
52323 - Hounslow624.58
62121 - Hillingdon524.99
71616 - Harrow125.13
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
9+0.5 m/sEvent 9 Heat 2200mU17Girls11:17:09Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
177 - Ealing525.18
22828 - Ealing Independent227.42
31616 - Harrow428.87
412828A - Ealing Independent729.27
52323 - Hounslow129.34
61919 - Hillingdon329.74
71313 - Haringey6DNS
855 - Brent8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
9+1.1 m/sEvent 9 Heat 1200mU17Girls11:13:42Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111313A - Haringey325.17
211 - Barnet125.95
33030 - Ealing Independent728.32
42222 - Hounslow628.64
51515 - Haringey528.7
61414 - Haringey829.39
72929 - Ealing Independent4DNS
844 - Brent2DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
8+1.9 m/sEvent 8 Heat 3200mU15Boys11:01:17Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11414 - Haringey724.35
222 - Barnet624.45
355 - Brent325.87
42525 - Richmond125.93
512525A - Richmond226.59
612222A - Hounslow527.05
72323 - Hounslow4DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
8+1.1 m/sEvent 8 Heat 2200mU15Boys10:59:26Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
144 - Brent124.14
277 - Ealing325.51
32222 - Hounslow625.76
41818 - Harrow526.29
51111 - Enfield428.04
61010 - Enfield228.48
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
8+1.8 m/sEvent 8 Heat 1200mU15Boys10:55:31Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11313 - Haringey223.02
21616 - Harrow724.03
311 - Barnet124.19
43131 - Additional824.3
588 - Ealing425.23
62121 - Hillingdon525.31
711313A - Haringey625.7
81919 - Hillingdon3DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
7+1.4 m/sEvent 7 Heat 3200mU15Girls10:46:16Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
12121 - Hillingdon227.36
21044A - Brent529.45
32828 - Ealing Independent330.07
42323 - Hounslow430.16
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
7+1.6 m/sEvent 7 Heat 2200mU15Girls10:43:48Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111919A - Hillingdon326.84
21919 - Hillingdon626.93
31414 - Haringey529.38
43030 - Ealing Independent430.2
566 - Brent230.43
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
7-0.1 m/sEvent 7 Heat 1200mU15Girls10:40:04Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
144 - Brent327.44
21313 - Haringey427.68
32929 - Ealing Independent728.5
42525 - Richmond628.82
52020 - Hillingdon231.01
61010 - Enfield541.35
72828 - Ealing Independent8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
6-Event 6 Heat 2800mU17Boys10:25:51Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11414 - Haringey502:09:48
22525 - Richmond22:12.97
31919 - Hillingdon72:18.67
466 - Brent902:22:13
52323 - Hounslow12:23.95
611313A - Haringey3DNS
71616 - Harrow4DNS
81818 - Harrow6DNS
955 - Brent8DNS
1077 - Ealing10DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
6-Event 6 Heat 1800mU17Boys10:21:17Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
177Leo Roncarati112:06.76
21313 - Haringey202:07:38
32222 - Hounslow42:07.88
444 - Brent802:08:20
51717 - Harrow902:10:38
688 - Ealing102:13:17
71515 - Haringey102:13.84
811 - Barnet702:19:27
92828 - Ealing Independent602:25:01
102020 - Hillingdon3DNS
112626 - Richmond5DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
5-Event 5 Heat 1800mU17Girls10:16:19Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11515 - Haringey102:14:58
211 - Barnet702:15:42
32828 - Ealing Independent602:17:49
41010 - Enfield202:21:45
567Emma McCluskey902:23:15
61717 - Harrow402:28:42
72929 - Ealing Independent82:29.77
82222 - Hounslow502:33:07
91313 - Haringey3DNF
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
4-Event 4 Heat 2800mU15Boys10:11:51Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet102:12.65
21515 - Haringey92:15.71
31313 - Haringey72:19.90
42323 - Hounslow52:20.86
533 - Barnet102:23:56
61919 - Hillingdon302:35:45
744 - Brent2DNS
82626 - Richmond4DNS
966 - Brent6DNS
1055 - Brent8DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
4-Event 4 Heat 1800mU15Boys10:08:06Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11616 - Harrow202:07:41
222 - Barnet502:12:42
32222 - Hounslow42:17.76
42020 - Hillingdon32:25.89
52525 - Richmond802:28:50
61717 - Harrow902:31:21
71414 - Haringey6DNS
82424 - Hounslow7DNS
911313A - Haringey1DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
3-Event 3 Heat 2800mU15Girls10:03:29Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11414 - Haringey502:37:22
21515 - Haringey112:39.65
32828 - Ealing Independent402:43:24
41717 - Harrow602:44:42
52222 - Hounslow92:46.71
655 - Brent1002:47:37
71919 - Hillingdon72:50.86
81010 - Enfield1DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
3-Event 3 Heat 1800mU15Girls09:57:33Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
11313 - Haringey1002:38:07
22727 - Richmond32:40.70
31011A - Barnet12:40.73
41616 - Harrow402:42:00
544 - Brent202:42:15
61515 - Haringey502:44:49
722 - Barnet602:45:43
82929 - Ealing Independent72:49.81
966 - Brent802:58:26
101111 - Enfield9DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
2-Event 2 Heat 1300mHurdlesU17Girls09:47:45Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
111 - Barnet247.87
21616 - Harrow3DNS
EventWindRaceEvent NameStart TimeStatus
1-Event 1 Heat 1400mHurdlesU17Boys09:39:57Official Result
PlaceIDNameClub - CategoryLaneResult
171Aaron Mills459.74